Kategorie: Raspberry Pi

  • Externes Laufwerk mounten

    1. Plug the storage device into a USB port on the Raspberry Pi.
    2. List all the disk partitions on the Pi using the following command:sudo lsblk -o UUID,NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL,MODELThe Raspberry Pi uses mount points / and /boot. Your storage device will show up in this list, along with any other connected storage.
    3. Use the SIZE, LABEL, and MODEL columns to identify the name of the disk partition that points to your storage device. For example, sda1.
    4. The FSTYPE column contains the filesystem type. If your storage device uses an exFAT file system, install the exFAT driver:sudo apt update sudo apt install exfat-fuse
    5. If your storage device uses an NTFS file system, you will have read-only access to it. If you want to write to the device, you can install the ntfs-3g driver:sudo apt update sudo apt install ntfs-3g
    6. Run the following command to get the location of the disk partition:sudo blkidFor example, /dev/sda1.
    7. Create a target folder to be the mount point of the storage device. The mount point name used in this case is mydisk. You can specify a name of your choice:sudo mkdir /mnt/mydisk
    8. Mount the storage device at the mount point you created:sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/mydisk
    9. Verify that the storage device is mounted successfully by listing the contents:ls /mnt/mydisk

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